• The Alpha and Omega of all professional astrology readings is your Natal Chart. Without having examined that, most other services can’t even be available.

    Skipping the Natal reading is ultimately not very productive because it only creates more questions in subsequent prediction readings. In order to answer those questions we’ll still have to do the Natal Chart.

  • There are several options to choose. Some services (like Chorar) don’t even require one’s birth date, for example. Some information in your Natal Chart will not be dependant on your time of birth either.

    Also you could order the Rectification session, during which time, by me being informed about the events and certain lines of your character you are willing to share, we can recreate your time of birth by the backward principle.

    In any case there still will be information to read, but just not as much as in cases with exact time of birth.

    You may facilitate this process by providing the precise day and month of the most important events in your life, like a mini-autobiography.

  • Yes, but just as in the previous question, the reading won’t be as comprehensive as it could be. By knowing the time of birth I will be able to describe in detail how individuals regard each other.

    Without that information that part of the session will be skipped. However, you will be able to continue to chat about which area of life you are most and least compatible, and what to expect from such contact.

  • That is strictly dependant on your personal level of comfort. If you live nearby and prefer to do the reading in person you are welcome to visit and do it that way, otherwise video sessions on Zoom and Skype prove to be just as efficient.

    Plus, when you order the Zoom meeting from your end you can record the entire reading and listen to it later at your leisure.

  • Some of my clients do both! Often we need to hear new information more than once in order to let it sink in properly. I usually encourage clients to record the session for that reason.

  • Usually, my clients don’t limit themselves to just one session. In every subsequent one they often ask many questions remaining unanswered from previous readings. I have no problem answering such questions within the time of the current and subsequent reading agendas.

  • Yes, provided I am equipped to answer them. Often certain questions require building an additional chart to outline and address them accurately and thoroughly. If that’s the case, you will need a separate reading for them.

  • Absolutely. I normally start the first reading for the new client from a guarantee that every part discussed during the session remains strictly confidential and may be disclosed only by the client himself/herself.

    Be certain, as well, that there is also no judgement on the part of any astrologer who serves strictly in the best interests of one’s client.

  • That is your choice. There is absolutely no taboo regarding available topics for discussion except for those matters the client is not prepared to pursue and reveal.

  • In many cases such information can be obtained but the astrologer must not reveal it to the client about others or about himself. In most cases it is considered to be totally inappropriate.

    Instead, the task of the astrologer is to reveal the certain dangers a client faces. While these dangers are vast, it is possible to identify activities to avoid, and to alter or discard certain perennial habits.

    By pursuing this approach the astrologer may help to prepare anyone, in the best possible delicate and sensitive way, for end-of-life circumstances.

  • Not at all. Astrology is based on mathematics and calculations; it studies the cosmic cycles observable by astronomers and based on the study of formulas or algorithms derived from such observations and their correlations with life on our planet.

    Consider it a science and you won’t be wrong. The best astrologers excel in mathematics.

  • There is to a certain measure. Our destiny consists of 3 parts.

    One is permanent, one is changeable if certain actions and efforts take place, and the one we create ourselves as we live our life.

    Astrology is a great tool to study and find whatever we must adapt to, what we can change and why, and what we can safely avoid.

    In fact, the very purpose of astrology is to answer those particular questions accurately and professionally.

  • Of course you may. More so, you may obtain several readings for another person without specifying which ones.

    Provided the sum of the money you paid covers it, the person may choose which reading he/she prefers.

    For example, it may be Natal, Progression and Solar or Natal, Synastry and Monthly Checkup, all are covered in the same price.